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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl XLI Commercial Buzz

The fact that millions of bloggers will be lending their amateur opinions to the likes of world-wide or US-based brands is a dream come true for advertisers. Every person who disucusses their tv spot on the news, in person, over the blogosphere or in a forum generates extra media value.

Case in point - the K-Fed Nationwide Mutual Insurance commercials. Prior to the spots airing at the superbowl, they had already received 137-million web viewings and generated 5-million dollars in ad value one week before the game.

Another tv spot to generate buzz before the Bears and Colts battle for the trophy is GM's robot spot. Not only has the domestic car company released a trailor-teaser reel, but they've also created a blog (or not?) with a bunch of the same postings -ha ha- because the character is a robot... Either way, GM's commercial is a typical campaign to get people's attention and then point them to their website to see the robot's fate.


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