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Monday, January 29, 2007

In Her Shoes

Last night I saw a movie that's been out for a few years. Since I'm not a movie aficionado it's not a shock that I'm seeing a movie two or three years late. I'm writing about "in her shoes" because it's authentic, true to life and has a great story about the perils of difficult relationships and how siblings or family members can reach reconciliation despite the past and their differences.

This quasi chick flick (that even guys can appreciate) is built around two sisters with a typical relationship which is fragmented by the past and the present. Due to one large sisterly blow-out both of their circumstances change and each sister adopts a new life. When they meet-up towards the end of the movie they slowly put their past expectations and prejudices of each other aside and grow in a new relationship together.

If you feel like watching a movie with your mom, sister or grandma this movie is a great choice and one that makes you evaluate your own relationships.


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