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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Google Calendar Launches

Today Google launched their much-anticipated "Google Calendar", an online calendar which allows people to sign in and schedule events. As with anything that's web-based, one of the major benefits is that one can manage one's affairs from anywhere in the world. The downside is that with Google's recent privacy court battles, people who use this feature may be subject to their personal events being searched by the 'authorities' -- or for the consipacy theorists, 'the man'-- at some point.

Like many other Google applications, the calendar feature is easy to use, intuitive and employs a very simple design. It also allows people to create multiple calendars for various areas of their lives, for example: work, personal, hobbies.

Will I use it? Perhaps eventually. I'm still hooked on my old-school palm pilot which 'does the trick' for me, however, I can see myself moving towards this technology at some point when life becomes more complicated.

Effectively, I guess Google's newest feature can help people with complicated lives categorize and simplify. At least, that's one way to look at it.


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