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Sunday, March 26, 2006


The last time I can remember gliding through knee-deep powder on 7th heaven must have been in grade 7 with my friend Gwen. Saturday was one of those skiing days which doesn't come along often. Indeed, I did ski 7th heaven and once again had the awesome opportunity to wind my way through Blackcomb's heavenly powder -large bail and all.

Since we got to the mountain early, we were among the first few people up the series of lifts which take you to 'heaven.' Therefore, not only did we get to enjoy heaven's powder, but we were also lucky enough to experience it sans crowds.

To top the day off, apres-ski we enjoyed drinks and nachos in the bright mid-day sun, followed by a wonderful dinner (and weekend) with friends.

What I like about whistler/blackcomb:
-even on a sunny, powdery Saturday you can ski parts of the mountain and not contend with crowds (but you need to choose wisely)
-the amount of areas one can ski -each different and each unique

What I don't like about whistler/blackcomb:
-the 4km cat-track from the glacier/spanky's to the excelerator chair
-the icy patches (even after collecting a large sum of snow)


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