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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Further to my last post on flawgs, I'd like to drill a little deeper into the concept. These days, it seems as though the vast majority of 'business' bloggers and a good chunk of 'personal' bloggers monetize their blogs. In essence, this the true kind of flawg.

Alternatively, a fake or bad blog is built with 'dummy' content solely for the purpose of making money through sketchy means.

Today, if you have a business or personal blog with medium to high traffic and are not monitizing your blog, you are losing out on an opportunity to make money. Of course, the amount you'll make depends on traffic, as well as the nature, location and conversion power of your links.

Many internet marketing gurus have found that by simply changing the copy, location or format of their affiliate links, they can significantly impact their profit and loss.

Lastly, if you're going to seriously monitize your blog, think of industries that are propelled by the web. In other words, think of products that people are apt to buy online since there are still many retail sectors where people do research online and then convert--or buy--offline.


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