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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Poor Britney

One thing I find challenging about the state of news media today is its topsy-turvy sense of priorities. There is unrest in the Middle East, multiple civil conflicts and disease in developing nations and enough national unrest and debt to make John S. McDonald roll over in his grave yet Britney Spears' on-again off-again relationship with rehab is the dominant story of the moment.

Okay, okay I expect one story about her shaved head or rehab but when her every uninteresting, unimportant or non world-altering move is reported on a minute-by-minute basis, you wonder where our integrity has run off to as we continue to ‘drink the Kool-Aid’ as media consumers.

I say ‘Poor Britney’ in the title of this musing because whether this is some large-scale scandal cooked-up by her publicist or a real life debacle, you've got to have some compassion for someone who's had her every second of her life poked and prodded. Yah, yah, I know people say ‘who cares, she's got millions’ (or billions), but at the end of the day, money doesn't buy happiness as evidenced by the recent goings-on in her life.


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